-Happy birthday to my sissy!!
3:12 p.m. - 2005-01-12

Today is my sister birthday. I went out shopping this morning to find a gift for her. She just moved into a new apartment and this is her theme. So anyway I went over there and gave it to her. WHile I was over there my mom called and was looking for me cause the school called her. For some reason my son was screaming at the top of his lungs during school. He told me later that he didnt want to do his journal that is why he did that. I dont really understand what goes on in his mind. I called again the new doctor I want him to see but still she was not there and I left another message for her. Oh please call me!!! There is a hockey game this weekend and I want to go so bad but I dont think my BF will be to happy about it! I wish he would just go with me. He is not a sport freak like i am. Yes i said that right this man hates sports. I didnt even know there was guys out there like this but yes he is mine. Oh i need to had links to this diary one is my favorite hockey team which I go see from time to time. Its local so probably no one has heard of them. Ineed to go so see Ya!

0 Bitch to me

For the record - 2005-11-18

Long time no see - 2005-11-14

Confused - 2005-09-08

I dont know what to say... - 2005-09-01

cbs blows - 2005-08-20

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