part 2
12:08 p.m. - 2005-02-21

So back to the little story. The phone is dead and I am pissed cause I already caught up all the other bills but 2. SO i call my BF and yell and scream at him about this. I go and pay the bill and I get the phone hooked up later that day. He was suppose to pay me back but only gave me half of it. Okay this is not usual of him he usually is really good with bills. He blames it on his sickness which he was really sick for awhile but come on. So we were talking ok our voices were raised.
I just wanted to get a point across and of course he didnt want to listen. His friend called and said he was stopping over to chat. He came over and Iwent to my room. Oh shortly before he came over i told him that i was disappointed cause he didnt say or give me anything for vals day. It wasnt a big thing for him but for me it was. So anyway he was showing his friend his new jeep and then came in and told me that him and his friend was going to walmart then get something to eat. Okay i know this friend he is crazy about stippers i think its because his woman wont let him go at all. SO he thinks he is going to the strippers? It is truelly okay with me cause I go out on weekends with Red out to the bars so whom am i to jugde? Okay i dont want him to go to the stippers all the time but once in awhile is fine. So back to the story I called my BF shortly afterwards to tell him that my son needed pencils so he could pick them up. He then asks me what kindof perfume i liked. Hello? dont ask me that? U are suppose to surprise me. So i told him that i like j.lo glow and that i like the fake version cause its cheaper. So i get off the phone and watch some tv. Couple of hours later go by and my son is going crazy wondering where he was so he called him and he didnt answer. CLue #2002 SO he gets home later eating which he told me that they were eating eariler. SO we get to bed and laying there and he so smelled like alchol. I said to him did you go to the stippers? He just rolled over and pretended to be asleep. Clue # 4004 Then about 3 minutes later he is popping his knuckles. He he i know you are not sleeping. So i go to bed and the next morning while at work i call him. Me: Hi Him: hello Me: how was the strippers last night? You did go didnt you? Him: Yes Me: how come u lied about it? To make it shorter for ya he told me that he never lied just didnt tell me about it. What ever!! SO i asked him if he knew he was going before he left and he said yes which pissed me off. WHy cant you just tell me? he thought i would say no. Again remember all the times i go out! I tell him I am disappointed that he couldnt tell me and that he would have to hide it from me. Oh this i forgot to tell you that night he came home with actually J.lo perfume not the fake kind. SO he was feeling guilty and picked up the good stuff. SO i came homethat night and figured that I would just drop it cause he knew how disappointed I was. He came home and didnt speak which means i am a loser. So the night went on and i made things light. THe next morning I woke up to a freezing house. I woke him up to go check the pilot light. He did and went back to bed. I told him that the heater wasnt on still and he said I know the gas got turned off. OHHHHHHHH i was pissed cause now we are back there again!!! gotta go be back! I didnt say much to him about the gas getting shut off. I went to work and cried cause I was just so disappointed in him. Later I came home and it was cold in the house. I turned on the oven to heat it up. Later he came home and was checking on the heater and I said you know its suppose to snow this weekend. He yelled at me and said that he paid the bill this morning but didnt think they came out yet to turn it back on. They finally did come out and we had heat. He was so shitty the rest of the night. Usually this is how he acts when he feels guilty. I left him alone but did tell him that I am here and not to pissed off at him. Sunday when I come home from work I had a present and balloons from my kids for my birthday which is this week. My sister took out my kids and got them something for them to give me. It was so nice of her to do that for them. It was all hello kitty stuff cause I love hello kitty. I was reading her diary today and she wrote about it and said that she wanted to do it for me cause she knews that my man wouldnt get me anything or for the kids to get me anything. After I read that I just cried cause it is totally true. I think to myself dont i deserve something from him? I get him a present for every occasion and recieve nothing in return. I do get use to it but damn it I shouldn't! I deserve alot better in that field. Oh well I am at work so I need to go. I cant wait till this weekend!

2 Bitch to me

For the record - 2005-11-18

Long time no see - 2005-11-14

Confused - 2005-09-08

I dont know what to say... - 2005-09-01

cbs blows - 2005-08-20

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