-She's super freaky
4:03 p.m. - 2005-04-10

My team lost and I spent the night drinking about it! Ha ha! No I did go out to the Rumbles. Okay I use to love going there. It where the whole town goes and parties. The rumbles is an okay band. Its just a huge drunk fest. By the time I got off work and Red got over to Grand Island it was about 1130pm. We went and got our drinks and sat down. I met her date kevin. Now if you know a little bit about me you know that I hate that name because my ex husband name is kevin. He seems like a nice guy. I drank like 3 back to back. The rumbles were over at midnight(whats up with that?) So we went over to my favorite bar. I pulled out my free coupons and gave one to everyone. Kevin looked puzzled I told him I was on the mailing list. He said to me bars have mailing lists? Yes some do and i spent most of my 2 years in this bar and I think I should of owned it by now. So anyway we are drinking away oh yeah i was drinking away. I got 2 more drinking while I was there. so a total of 5 in one hour and a half. He prolly thinks i am a drunk but i dont go out and drink to much. Okay I love my girl Red but there is one thing i dont like about it... she doesnt like to dance. Or she doesnt dance with girls. I am not for sure about that i always dance with a group of girls. She told me back in school she made fun of girls that danced with girls. Okay whatever. I need to go out with my sissy and jada cause they are my dancing buddies. I will go to a bar and sit and drink for 1 hour and the next 3 hours i am dancing till the place kicks me out! No joke there! So last night when I couldnt dance cause I didnt have no one to dance with just about did me in. So one the way home I turn up my tunes really loud and start dancing in my car. Okay I was a little tipsy so i got a little wild!LOL If anyone saw me they would think that I am a freak! OH well. I better be going I need to get back to work!

0 Bitch to me

For the record - 2005-11-18

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