Flood flood go away
8:38 a.m. - 2005-05-12

Holly mother of flood. I woke up this morning to the radio. The guy is telling me that all schools in the town are closed due to flooding! What the hell is that about? No flippin way! Today is track day at my kids school. I knew there was a chance of track day not going on because all of the rain we got in the middle of the night. Now you are telling me that I got to sit at home all day with these guys? THen I started thinking about all the snow that we get and our public school here dont ever close for nothing. We can get a foot of snow and they wont still close. SO I am thinking now the public schools have something against me to close the schools on my day off! LOL

So the kids want Mcgriddles cause they love them! So I head off to Mcdonalds to get them and travis stayed behind. It took me like 20 minutes to get there when it takes me usually 2 minutes. I had to take all these different roads. I now know why they canceled school when I drove by the school and you cant even see the drive way to the school. I get home the kids are pissed cause they didnt breakfast cause believe it or not guys Mcdonalds was closed also because of the flood. When does that place ever close? I got my camera sent travis off to work and got all the kids in the car. They were freaked out also with all the flooding. We took some pics. I can resize them cause I dont have a program to do that so I cause u wont see them. The shitty thing about this is that tonight is going to be a repeat of last night. My house might be flooded away by morning! I am off I need to see if the basement is flooded! Why didnt I think of that earlier?

0 Bitch to me

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