I am trying to crawl out of this hole!
11:49 a.m. - 2005-07-11

For some reason that I can not control I guess this day has come to shit! I am so depressed today. I am down I guess and I cant get myself to lift up again. I guess it might be all the weird hours that I am working. I know I am super pissed at my mom or maybe I am use to how she is that I am just disappointed once again. So I told her I was going back to school and she is totally against it. She did this to my sister also. I am not sure if she is jealous or what. I just know that my kids will never be perfect so why wait for it just to start school. OH well i am going to school and finishing it without her approval!

I totally got shut down on the whole DSL thing. For some stupid reason they told me that it would run slow. So I did sign up for cable but I am not for sure whats going to go on from there. I guess in the next couple of days i will be figuring out if i am going to jail or if i get cable modem. See we have had cable for 3 years. It was hooked up when we got here and we never pay a bill. I think that oh well but i guess if they come out then we will get busted for it. So I am going to try to lift me up by getting ready for work. Damn to i got to go to work tonight. I know that place is getting me down also because everyone is bitching about everyone else. Well I am heading out! Peace out Hotmammas!!

0 Bitch to me

For the record - 2005-11-18

Long time no see - 2005-11-14

Confused - 2005-09-08

I dont know what to say... - 2005-09-01

cbs blows - 2005-08-20

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