Damn men!
12:49 p.m. - 2005-06-08

I was going to go off and tell you how much I dont like my boyfriend today. He came home from his 2nd job all shitty as hell. Man I good tell his mood was going to be horrible.

My son is in summer school and on wednesdays they stay and have lunch and read books. SO i made him his lunch and got him stuff to drink. Travis came home and started wineing about how i make keithens lunch and not his. Okay he is a little right about that. He is a grown man but he works hard. So I will start making his lunch. He couldnt believe I didnt go grocery shopping last night so he had to bitch about that. I was half asleep and he was also pissed at that. Boy you need to cut the hours down!! SO I got up at 11:330pm and went and got food and hit walmart. I came home and I was still pissed and stayed on the computer till 2pm. WHile going to bed i heard the dogs barking like crazy. I went out there and yelled at them. They still barked so I woke up travis. He yelled at me. Finally he got up and yelled at the dogs again. The just wouldnt stop which is unusual. I told travis when the cops get here he could answer the door. Sure enough they came. I wanted to know what the cops said but he told me that you dont f'ing care. SO i decided lets hit the sack! I was so tired. By the time i got to bed I had been up for 24 hours. I havent done that in awhile.

So while hating him... About noon I get a text message saying "thanks for the lunch and I love you" Now this is not my boyfriend that sent that was it? I couldnt believe it. He must feel sorry for being a total ass. SO now i like him a little. Peace out! I gotta go sweat my balls off mowing!

1 Bitch to me

For the record - 2005-11-18

Long time no see - 2005-11-14

Confused - 2005-09-08

I dont know what to say... - 2005-09-01

cbs blows - 2005-08-20

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