much 2 young to feel this damn old!!
7:09 p.m. - 2005-06-22

I am flippin sore! All my muscles hurt. I cant believe that I have been working my ass off at work. We got the move done in 2 hours. I really cant believe how fast it went. Now everyone is lost but that shouldnt last long. I do alot more walking on this floor then I am use to. I never sit down anymore which kindof sucks! Dammit I am actually working hard for my money.

Not much else has been going on. I havent cooked alot lately because I am died tired when I come home. I take off my shoes and throw my feet up! My whole entire foot hurts right now. OK OK enough bitching.

My life is borring right now i guess. Peace out hot mammas!!!

0 Bitch to me

For the record - 2005-11-18

Long time no see - 2005-11-14

Confused - 2005-09-08

I dont know what to say... - 2005-09-01

cbs blows - 2005-08-20

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